王海森,冯岚,李百炼,严岩,韩建刚,崔鹏.基于MIKE 11的河网区域小型闸坝调控的水质响应模拟研究[J].环境科学学报,2022,42(8):314-324
基于MIKE 11的河网区域小型闸坝调控的水质响应模拟研究
- Water quality response to regulation of small floodgates in river network region of Wuxi based on MIKE 11 model
- 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.42007151);国家重点研发计划课题(No.2017YFC0505803);江苏高校哲学社会科学研究项目(No. 2019SJA0108);江苏省高校自然科学研究面上项目(No.19KJB610015);江苏省自然科学基金青年项目(No.BK20200782);教育部人文社科青年基金项目(No.21YJC630017)
- 王海森
- 南京林业大学土木工程学院,南京 210037
- 冯岚
- 南京林业大学土木工程学院,南京 210037;加州大学河滨分校环境科学系, 河滨,美国加州,92521;南京林业大学环境与生物学院,南京 210037
- 李百炼
- 加州大学河滨分校环境科学系, 河滨,美国加州,92521
- 严岩
- 江苏省环境科学研究院太湖水污染防治研究中心,南京 210042
- 韩建刚
- 南京林业大学环境与生物学院,南京 210037;南京林业大学南方现代林业协同创新中心,南京 210037;江苏洪泽湖湿地生态系统国家定位观测研究站,洪泽 223100
- 摘要:闸坝运行是流域开发和利用中河流调节的主要形式之一,它改变了河流自然结构、流水过程及其相关环境.然而,目前很少有关于河网区域小型闸坝运行对水环境影响的分析.本研究利用MIKE11建立一维水动力与水质模型,以无锡市主要的污染物高锰酸盐指数,氨氮为指标,模拟闸坝调控模式下与无闸坝情景下无锡河网水质响应.研究表明:多个小型闸坝运行对河网区域内河流水质产生了负面影响,使城市河流高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)和氨氮(NH3-N)浓度都有所上升;其中,闸坝调控对区域内河流上游水质的负面影响更为明显,对下游的则相对较小.在多小型闸坝运行下,河流上游的CODMn和NH3-N总体浓度分别上升了12.89%和11.11%,下游的二者浓度分别上升了5.38%和7.27% .研究结果可为今后小型闸坝群的生态调控以及相关水环境响应研究提供了理论支撑和新思路.
- Abstract:Floodgates operation is one of the main forms of rivers regulation in the development and utilization of river basin. It changes the natural structure, flow process and correlative environment of rivers. However, the analysis on the impact of small gates operation on water environment in river network is limited to date. In this study, one-dimensional hydrodynamic and water quality model-MIKE 11 was employed to simulate the water quality response of Wuxi’s river network under different floodgates operations. The MIKE 11 model takes into account the two Wuxi's main pollutant indicators -permanganate index (CODMn) and ammonia-nitrogen (NH3-N). The investigation showed that the floodgates had negative effects on the water quality of in the river network. The concentration of CODMn and NH3-N increased because of floodgates operation. The negative impact of these floodgates on the upper reaches of rivers was more notable than that on the lower reaches. Under the condition of multi-floodgates operation, the concentration of CODMn and NH3-N increased by 12.89% and 11.11%, respectively, in the upper reaches of the rivers. As a comparison, the concentrations of CODMn and NH3-N increased by 5.38% and 7.27% in the lower reaches, respectively. The results can provide analytical method and inspire future research on ecological operation of small floodgates and the related water environment effect research.