
  • 张涛,韩筠松,陈川红,陈海,初里冰.头孢菌素发酵菌渣电子束辐照-好氧堆肥无害资源化处理技术研究[J].环境科学学报,2022,42(8):363-371

  • 头孢菌素发酵菌渣电子束辐照-好氧堆肥无害资源化处理技术研究
  • Treatment and reutilization safely of cephalosporin fermentation residues by electron beam irradiation coupled with composting processes
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(No.21777083)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 张涛
  • 中广核达胜科技有限公司,苏州 215214
  • 韩筠松
  • 中广核达胜科技有限公司,苏州 215214
  • 陈川红
  • 中广核达胜科技有限公司,苏州 215214
  • 陈海
  • 中广核达胜加速器技术有限公司,苏州 215214
  • 初里冰
  • 清华大学, 核能与新能源技术研究院, 北京 100084
  • 摘要:采用电子束辐照联合好氧堆肥工艺对头孢菌素发酵菌渣进行无害化处理和资源化利用.堆肥原料为头孢菌素菌渣、鸡粪和秸秆,菌渣未辐照直接进行堆肥的反应器(1号)与菌渣辐照50 kGy后再进行堆肥的反应器(2号)平行运行进行对比.结果表明:2号反应器的堆体温度、温度上升速率以及高于55 ℃天数均大于1号反应器.在30 d堆肥周期中,2号堆体的平均温度比1号堆体高3.3 ℃;1号和2号堆体温度高于55 ℃的天数分别为5 d和7 d.2号堆体的有机质含量和溶解性TOC浓度下降均较快,表明其有机物的利用效率较高.辐照预处理可促进菌渣好氧堆肥腐殖化进程,2号堆体的腐殖化指数比1号堆体高15%~51%.2号堆体中抗生素头孢菌素C的浓度到第10 d即可降至液相色谱无法检出.此外,两个反应器堆肥过程中抗性基因ermB丰度有所减小,sul2丰度升高.堆肥产品中无抗生素残留,有机质指标远高于有机肥料国家标准,其作为优质肥料进行安全再利用需重点关注抗性基因的影响.
  • Abstract:Electron beam (EB) irradiation coupled with aerobic composing was applied to treat and reutilize the cephalosporin fermentation residues. Cephalosporin residues were co-composed with chicken manure and straw. Two composters, one filled with the raw cephalosporin residues (Composter 1) and the other filled with the cephalosporin residues irradiated with the absorbed dose of 50 kGy (Composter 2) were operated in parallel for comparison. The temperature and its rising rate, and the duration period over 55 ℃ for Composter 2 were all higher than those in Composter 1. The average temperature of Composter 2 was 3.3 ℃ higher than that of Composter 1 in 30 days. The duration of temperature above 55 ℃ was 5 d and 7 d in Composters 1 and 2. Moreover, the content of organic matters and TOC declined rapidly in Composter 2, indicating the high utilization rate of organic substances. Pretreatment of cephalosporin residues by EB irradiation improved the humification, which was confirmed by the high HIX of Composter 2 (15%~51% higher than that of Composter 1). The concentration of cephalosporin C was reduced to below the detection limit of HPLC in Composter 2 in 10 days. In addition, in two composters, the abundance of ermB gene decreased, while the abundance of sul2 gene increased. There was no antibiotics remaining in the compost products and the content of the organic matters was much higher than the national standard for organic fertilizer.

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