
  • 王子峤,李叙勇.基于地理探测器的城市要素对街尘累积和磷污染空间分异影响特征分析[J].环境科学学报,2022,42(9):253-268

  • 基于地理探测器的城市要素对街尘累积和磷污染空间分异影响特征分析
  • Detecting the influence of urban elements on the spatial stratified heterogeneity of road-deposited sediment build-up and phosphorus pollution through Geodetector
  • 基金项目:国家重点研发计划(No.2019YFB2102900)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 王子峤
  • 中国科学院生态环境研究中心城市与区域国家重点实验室,北京 100085;中国科学院大学,北京 100049
  • 李叙勇
  • 中国科学院生态环境研究中心城市与区域国家重点实验室,北京 100085;中国科学院大学,北京 100049
  • 摘要:量化分析城市要素对街尘及其负载磷素空间分异的影响特征可帮助指导大尺度空间城市非点源磷污染管控.本研究结合地理大数据(兴趣点等)与实地采样数据,利用地理探测器定量探究武汉市汉阳区城市要素对街尘累积量及街尘负载多形态磷素含量空间分异的解释能力.结果表明:① 街尘累积量及街尘中磷素含量的空间分异程度随街尘粒径和磷形态变化.粒径<150 μm街尘累积量的空间分异程度相对较高;铝结合态磷(Al-P)、闭蓄态磷(Oc-P)和有机态磷(Or-P)的空间分异程度整体较高,而碎屑态磷(De-P)和总磷(TP)的空间分异程度则相对 较低;Oc-P和Or-P的空间分异程度随街尘粒径变化不大.② 单因子条件下,车站类(POI I)、住宅学校类(POI II)和工厂汽修类(POI III)要素对街尘累积量和多种形态磷含量空间分异的解释力较强;路网(ROAD)主要对粒径<150 μm街尘中部分磷素含量的空间分异有较强的解释力;餐饮商场类(POI IV)、娱乐休闲类(POI V)和医院类(POI VI)要素主要对>150 μm街尘中磷素含量的空间分异有明显的解释力;景点类(POI VII)要素则对街尘累积量和磷素含量空间分异的解释力较弱.③ 城市要素交互往往增强其对街尘累积量和街尘磷素含量空间分异的解释力,但路网(ROAD)、车站类(POI I)和景点类(POI VII)要素与部分城市要素交互容易对其解释力产生非线性减弱或单因子非线性减弱作用. ④ 基于城市要素布局对不同形态磷设置差异化的控制策略有利于街尘磷污染控制.
  • Abstract:Quantifying the influence of urban elements on the spatial stratified heterogeneity of road-deposited sediment (RDS) and phosphorus attached to it can help control large-scale urban nonpoint source phosphorus pollution. This study combined geospatial big data (points of interest, etc.) and field sampling, using Geodetector to quantitatively determine the impacts of urban elements on spatial stratified heterogeneity (SSH) of RDS build-up load and content of different phosphorus species in RDS in the Hanyang district of Wuhan, China. Results showed that: ①the SSH of RDS and adsorbed phosphorus varied with the particle size of RDS and phosphorus species. RDS with particle size <150 μm had the greatest SSH. Aluminum-bound phosphorus (Al-P), occluded phosphorus (Oc-P), and organophosphorus (Or-P) had greater SSH than other phosphorus species. By contrast, detrital apatite phosphorus (De-P) and total phosphorus (TP) had marginal SSH. The SSH of Oc-P and Or-P were less likely to be influenced by RDS particle size. ②Overall, POI I (bus stations, etc.), POI II (dwellings, etc.), and POI III (factories, etc.) showed greater univariable explanatory power over SSH of RDS build-up load and phosphorus content in RDS. Road network (ROAD) showed significant univariable explanatory power over SSH of some phosphorus species in <150 μm RDS. Similarly, POI IV (catering, etc.), POI V (sports facilities, etc.), and POI VI (hospitals) showed significant univariable explanatory power over SSH of phosphorus in >150 μm RDS. POI VII (sights, etc.) had negligible univariable explanatory power over SSH of RDS build-up load and phosphorus content in RDS. ③ Interactions between urban elements tended to enhance the explanatory power over SSH of RDS and adsorbed phosphorus. However, road network and POI VII occasionally cause univariable weakening or nonlinear weakening of the explanatory power over SSH of RDS and adsorbed phosphorus. ④It would be advantageous to customize control strategies for different phosphorus species in RDS according to the spatial distribution of urban elements.

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