
  • 井晨,单保庆,李思敏,张文强.夏季白洋淀有色溶解性有机质(CDOM)光学特性及其来源分析[J].环境科学学报,2022,42(10):342-352

  • 夏季白洋淀有色溶解性有机质(CDOM)光学特性及其来源分析
  • Spatial differences of optical properties of CDOM and their source apportionment in Baiyangdian Lake in Summer
  • 基金项目:中国科学院青年创新促进会项目(No.2018058)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 井晨
  • 河北工程大学,邯郸 056004;中国科学院生态环境研究中心环境水质学国家重点实验室,北京 100085
  • 单保庆
  • 中国科学院生态环境研究中心环境水质学国家重点实验室,北京 100085;中国科学院大学,北京 100049
  • 李思敏
  • 河北工程大学,邯郸 056004
  • 张文强
  • 中国科学院生态环境研究中心环境水质学国家重点实验室,北京 100085
  • 摘要:有色溶解性有机质(CDOM)是可溶性有机质(DOM)中较为重要的组成部分,也是水环境中最大的溶解有机碳贮库.为了揭示典型浅水湖泊—白洋淀夏季CDOM的光学特性、空间异质性和来源,本研究运用三维荧光光谱和紫外-可见光吸光度分析方法结合平行因子数据分析法,分析了夏季淀区CDOM的组成,并探索分析了CDOM的主要来源.结果表明:从光学特性上分析,白洋淀水体中CDOM主要包括C1、C3 两种类蛋白质组分和C2、C4两种类腐殖质组分,其中,由内源性产生的C1、C2、C3组分占比较多,体现出白洋淀CDOM来源以内源自生为主的特征;白洋淀水体中CDOM吸光度整体呈现出丰度较高的趋势,α(355)平均达到了38.22 m-1,光谱斜率(280~500 nm)较低,均值为0.007 nm-1,这种高丰度低光谱斜率的特征也映证了白洋淀CDOM腐殖化程度较高的特点,根据白洋淀淀泊特征推测其来源主要为芦苇、荷花等水生植物的腐解.不同淀区CDOM分布存在差异,整体呈现出自白洋淀南部和西部向中部、北部、东部递减的空间变化特征,造成这一分布特征的原因可能为相较于白洋淀南部地区而言,北部烧车淀等区域水生植物更多.夏季白洋淀光照时间长,光照强度高,会加速CDOM的光漂白,使大分子转化为小分子,生物可利用性增强,进而促进微生物、藻类、浮游动物等大量繁殖,引起水质不断恶化.本研究结果可为制定有效的表层水 水质提升策略提供参考.
  • Abstract:Chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) is an important component of dissolved organic matter (DOM), and it is also the largest reservoir of dissolved organic carbon in water environment. In order to reveal the optical properties, spatial heterogeneity and sources of CDOM in summer in Baiyangdian Lake, a typical shallow lake, the composition of CDOM in summer was analyzed by three-dimensional fluorescence spectrum, UV-Vis absorbance and parallel factor data, and the main sources of CDOM were explored. The results showed that CDOM in Baiyangdian Lake mainly included two kinds of protein components, C1 and C3, and two kinds of humus components, C2 and C4, among which C1, C2 and C3 were more endogenous. It indicated that CDOM in Baiyangdian Lake was mainly derived from internal sources. The absorbance of CDOM in Baiyangdian Lake showed a trend of high abundance as a whole, α(355) reached 38.22 m-1 on average, and the spectral slope (280~500 nm) was low, with an average of 0.007 nm-1. This characteristic of high abundance and low spectral slope also reflected the high humification degree of CDOM in Baiyangdian Lake. According to the characteristics, it was speculated that its source was mainly decomposition of aquatic plants such as reeds and lotus flowers. There were differences in CDOM distribution in different lakes, showing the spatial variation characteristics of decreasing from the south and west of Baiyangdian Lake to the middle, north and east. The reason for this distribution characteristic may be that there are more aquatic plants in the north of Shaochedian Lake than in the south of Baiyangdian Lake. In summer, Baiyangdian Lake has long illumination time and high illumination intensity, which would accelerate the photobleaching of CDOM, transform macromolecules into small molecules, enhance bioavailability, promote the proliferation of microorganisms, algae, zooplankton, etc., and cause the continuous deterioration of water quality. The results provide a reference for formulating effective strategies for improving surface water quality.

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