
  • 杜晓丽,郑泽东,陈梦瑶.不同下垫面雨水径流溶解性有机物特性[J].环境科学学报,2022,42(11):123-130

  • 不同下垫面雨水径流溶解性有机物特性
  • Characteristics of dissolved organic matter in runoff from different landcovers
  • 基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(No.2021YFC3200701);北京市优秀人才培养资助-青年拔尖人才资助项目;北京建筑大学金字塔人才培养工程(No. JDJQ20200302);北京建筑大学科学研究基金资助项目(No. X20148)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 杜晓丽
  • 北京建筑大学,城市雨水系统与水环境教育部重点实验室,北京 100044;北京节能减排与城乡可持续发展省部共建协同创新中心,北京 100044
  • 郑泽东
  • 北京建筑大学,城市雨水系统与水环境教育部重点实验室,北京 100044
  • 陈梦瑶
  • 北京建筑大学,城市雨水系统与水环境教育部重点实验室,北京 100044
  • 摘要:为明晰不同下垫面雨水径流中溶解性有机物特性差异,采用三维荧光光谱、同步荧光光谱及树脂分级等方法对北京市城市道路、屋面、广场、绿地4种下垫面径流DOM进行分析.分析发现,下垫面类型影响径流DOM浓度、物质组成及化学组分分布;道路、屋面初期径流DOC浓度较高,并随产流时间增加而逐渐降低,而绿地径流DOC浓度随产流时间增加而增加,广场径流DOC浓度则始终保持较低水平;路面交通活动、大气沉降作用等使道路、屋面和广场等硬化下垫面径流DOM主要由类富里酸和类芳香蛋白物质组成,且以疏水性化学组分为主,其中疏水中性和疏水酸性组分占比较高;受土壤冲刷有机质影响, 绿地径流DOM除含类富里酸和类芳香蛋白物质外,还含有大量腐殖质和生物源蛋白物质,以亲水性化学组分为主,且主要为亲水中性和亲水酸性组分.
  • Abstract:Excitation emission matrix spectroscopy, synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy and resin isolation were used to characterize the DOM in runoff from urban road, roof, square and grassland in Beijing. The results showed that the concentrations, substances composition and chemical fractions of DOM were affected by the landcovers. The DOC concentration in initial runoff from road and roof were relatively high and decreased with the increasing runoff duration, while the DOC concentration in runoff from grassland increased with the runoff duration and it maintained a low level in runoff from the square. As a result of the traffic activities and the atmospheric deposition, DOM in runoff from road, roof and square were mainly composed of fulvic acid, aromatics, and proteinaceous substances. And hydrophobic organics, especially neutral and acidic hydrophobic organics, were the dominant fractions in DOM in runoff from these landcovers. In addition to fulvic-acid and aromatic proteinaceous substances, it also contained a large amount of humic substances and biogenic proteinaceous substances in DOM in runoff from grassland due to the soil organic matter scouring. However, hydrophilic organics, especially the neutral and acidic hydrophilic organics, were the dominant fractions in DOM in runoff from grassland.

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