
  • 黎思源,马晓燕,王琨,陈魁.城市污染地区与高山清洁地区新粒子生成事件特征分析[J].环境科学学报,2022,42(12):286-297

  • 城市污染地区与高山清洁地区新粒子生成事件特征分析
  • Characteristics of new particle formation over urban polluted area and clean mountain area
  • 基金项目:国家科技部重点研发项目(No.2019YFA0606802);国家自然科学基金(No.42061134009, 41975002)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 黎思源
  • 南京信息工程大学大气物理学院,中国气象局气溶胶与云降水重点开放实验室,南京210044
  • 马晓燕
  • 南京信息工程大学大气物理学院,中国气象局气溶胶与云降水重点开放实验室,南京210044
  • 王琨
  • 南京信息工程大学大气物理学院,中国气象局气溶胶与云降水重点开放实验室,南京210044
  • 陈魁
  • 南京信息工程大学大气物理学院,中国气象局气溶胶与云降水重点开放实验室,南京210044
  • 摘要:在中国复合型污染的大气环境背景下,新粒子生成(New Particle Formation,NPF)是大气颗粒物的重要来源之一,直接影响到空气质量、云物理过程、全球辐射平衡及人类的生产生活.本文通过分析城市污染地区和高山清洁地区新粒子生成天和非新粒子生成天的特征差异, 研究新粒子生成事件的关键影响因素.利用2016年3月12日—4月6日北京的观测资料和2012年9月23日—10月28日黄山的观测资料,分别代表城市污染地区和高山清洁地区进行研究,同时,结合同期气态前体物浓度和气象要素进行详尽的分析.结果表明,观测期间,北京发生新粒子生成事件的频率为42.3%,黄山发生新粒子生成事件的频率为25%,北京的新粒子生成速率J3J10、增长速率GR3~10和GR10~25及凝结汇分别为3.30~51.39 cm-3·s-1和3.37~35.21 cm-3·s-1、0.10~2.89 nm·h-1和1.84~11.16 nm·h-1及0.030~0.054 s-1,黄山的新粒子生成速率J10、增长速率GR10~25及凝结汇分别为0.31~4.32 cm-3·s-1、2.95~10.65 nm·h-1及0.0014~0.040 s-1,主要受到气态前体物浓度、气象要素和背景颗粒物浓度的 影响.气态硫酸H2SO4浓度是北京城市新粒子生成事件发生的限制因素,而非决定因素;黄山新粒子生成天的SO2浓度是非新粒子生成天的2倍,是黄山新粒子生成事件的主要影响因素.在降水和大风天气后,北京和黄山大气中颗粒物质量浓度较低、太阳辐射强、相对湿度低的静稳条件下有利于新粒子生成事件的发生,此外,高山清洁地区的气态前体物浓度在大风天气后由于跨界输送的影响会显著上升.
  • Abstract:In the context of compound pollution in China, new particle formation (NPF) is an important source of atmospheric particulate matter, which directly affects air quality, cloud physics processes, global radiation balance, and human production and life. The purpose of this study is to investigate the key influencing factors on NPF events by analyzing the differences in the characteristics of NPF days and non-NPF days in urban polluted areas and clean mountain areas. The observations from March 12 to April 6, 2016 in Beijing and from September 23 to October 28, 2012 in Huangshan, representing urban polluted areas and clean mountain areas, respectively, were used for the study, along with detailed analysis of precursor gas concentrations and meteorological elements for the same period. It was found that the frequency of NPF days was 42.3% in Beijing and 25% in Huangshan during the observation period. The new particle formation rate (J3 and J10), growth rate (GR3~10 and GR10~25) and condensation sink (CS) in Beijing were 3.30~51.39 cm-3·s-1, 3.37~35.21 cm-3·s-1, 0.10~2.89 nm·h-1, 1.84~11.16 nm·h-1 and 0.030~0.054 s-1, respectively, the FR (J10), GR (GR10~25) and CS in Huangshan were 0.31~4.32 cm-3·s-1、2.95~10.65 nm·h-1 and 0.0014~0.040 s-1. All these parameters were mainly influenced by the precursor gas concentration, meteorological factors and the background particle concentration. Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) concentration was one of influencing factors but not a determining factor for the occurrence of NPF events in Beijing. The sulfur dioxide (SO2) concentration on the NPF days in Huangshan was twice as high as that on the non-NPF days, which was the main influencing factor of the NPF events in Huangshan. After precipitation and strong winds, the atmospheric particle mass concentrations in Beijing and Huangshan were low, and the static conditions with strong solar radiation and low relative humidity were favorable for the occurrence of NPF events. In addition, the concentration of gaseous precursors in clean mountain areas increased significantly after windy weather due to transboundary transport.

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