
  • 苏金洙,肖宇梅,苏玉萍,佘晨兴,郑璐薇,喻光烺.草甘膦对沉积物-水界面藻类群落结构影响研究[J].环境科学学报,2022,42(12):402-409

  • 草甘膦对沉积物-水界面藻类群落结构影响研究
  • Effects of glyphosate on algae community structure across the sediment-water interface
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(No.41573075);福建省高校产学合作项目(No.SC-292);福建省水利厅项目(No.DH-1558);福建省水利科技项目(No.21NB000922,MSK202202)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 苏金洙
  • 福建师范大学环境与资源学院、碳中和现代产业学院,福州 350007
  • 肖宇梅
  • 福建师范大学环境与资源学院、碳中和现代产业学院,福州 350007
  • 苏玉萍
  • 福建师范大学环境与资源学院、碳中和现代产业学院,福州 350007;福建省河湖健康研究中心(福建师范大学),福州350007
  • 佘晨兴
  • 福建师范大学环境与资源学院、碳中和现代产业学院,福州 350007
  • 郑璐薇
  • 福建师范大学环境与资源学院、碳中和现代产业学院,福州 350007
  • 喻光烺
  • 福建师范大学环境与资源学院、碳中和现代产业学院,福州 350007
  • 摘要:为了探究环境中残留除草剂草甘膦对沉积物-水界面藻类群落结构演替的影响,分别以九龙江两个断面拱桥溪和石龟头的沉积物-水界面藻类群落结构为研究对象,并添加0.05 mg·L-1草甘膦作为磷源进行实验模拟.结果表明:拱桥溪沉积物-水界面藻类生物量占比为蓝藻:绿藻∶硅藻∶甲藻=0.3%∶7.8%∶91.5%∶0.3%,蓝藻生物量占比低于1%,以硅藻门直链藻属为优势种属;石龟头沉积物-水界面藻类生物量起点占比为蓝藻∶绿藻∶硅藻∶甲藻=20.8%∶58.5%∶19.5%∶1.2%,蓝藻生物量占比大于20%,绿藻门栅藻属、蓝藻门微囊藻属和硅藻门直链藻属为优势种属.草甘膦调控15 d后,拱桥溪沉积物-水界面蓝藻生物量占比从0.3%增长到22.6%,生物量是无机磷组的7.6倍,但硅藻仍为优势门类,这与蓝藻生物量占比低于1%的拱桥溪表层水体藻类群落演替结果类似;而石龟头沉积物-水界面蓝藻生物量占比从20.8%增长到57.8%,生物量是 无机磷组的近5倍,蓝藻演替为优势门类,这与蓝藻生物量占比大于15%的石龟头表层水体藻类群落演替结果相似.调控实验表明,在草甘膦胁迫下蓝藻门的增殖能力均表现为强于甲藻门和绿藻门.蓝藻门微囊藻属是直接利用草甘膦,或受草甘膦刺激生长并在群落结构中取得竞争优势还有待进一步研究.
  • Abstract:To explore the effects of environmental residues of herbicide glyphosate on the succession of algae community across the sediment-water interface, this study investigated the algae community structure across the sediment-water interface at Gongqiao station and Shiguitou station of Jiulong River in Fujian Province, Southeast China. 0.05 mg·L-1 glyphosate was added as phosphorus source for experimental simulation. The algae biomass composition across the sediment-water interface at Gongqiao Station was Cyanophyta (0.3%), Chlorophyta (7.8%), Diatom (91.5%), and Dinoflagellate (0.3%). While the biomass proportion of Cyanophyta was less than 1%, the Melosira (diatom) was the dominant species. The proportions of Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta, Diatom, and Dinoflagellate at Shiguitou Station were 20.8%, 58.5%, 19.5%, and 1.2%. The biomass proportion of Cyanophyta was more than 20%, whereas the dominant species were chlorophytes Desmodesmus, Cyanophyta Microcystis and Diatom Melosira, respectively. After 15 days of glyphosate treatment at Gongqiao Station, the biomass proportion of Cyanophyta increased from 0.3% to 22.6%, and the biomass was 7.6 times that of the inorganic phosphorus group. However, diatoms were still the dominant phylum, which was similar to the succession results of algae communities in the surface waters of Gongqiao Station where the biomass of Cyanophyta was less than 1%. At Shiguitou Station, the biomass proportion of Cyanophyta increased from 20.8% to 57.8%, nearly 5 times that of the inorganic phosphorus group. Cyanophyta was the dominant category, which was similar to the succession results of algae communities in the surface waters of Shiguitou Station where the biomass of Cyanophyta was more than 15%. Simulation experiments showed that Cyanophyta had stronger proliferation ability than Dinoflagellate and Chlorophyta under glyphosate stress. More studies are still needed to clarify if Microcystis directly utilized glyphosate or was stimulated by glyphosate to grow and obtain a competitive advantage in the algal community.

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