
  • 何成,何国文,刘晨曦,王浩霖,陈星宇,刘南希,王海潮,卢骁,范绍佳.广州暖季夜间臭氧增加事件的特征及一次水平输送个例分析[J].环境科学学报,2023,43(1):76-86

  • 广州暖季夜间臭氧增加事件的特征及一次水平输送个例分析
  • Characteristics of nocturnal ozone enhancement events and a case study of horizontal transport in Guangzhou during warm season
  • 基金项目:广东省基础与应用基础研究重大项目(No.2020B0301030004);广东省重点领域研发计划项目(No.2020B1111360003);广东省科技计划项目(科技创新平台类)(No.2019B121201002)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 何成
  • 中山大学大气科学学院,珠海 519082;广东省环珠江口气候环境与空气质量变化野外科学观测研究站,广州 510275
  • 何国文
  • 中山大学大气科学学院,珠海 519082;广东省环珠江口气候环境与空气质量变化野外科学观测研究站,广州 510275
  • 刘晨曦
  • 中山大学大气科学学院,珠海 519082;广东省环珠江口气候环境与空气质量变化野外科学观测研究站,广州 510275
  • 王浩霖
  • 中山大学大气科学学院,珠海 519082;广东省环珠江口气候环境与空气质量变化野外科学观测研究站,广州 510275
  • 陈星宇
  • 兰州大学大气科学学院,半干旱气候变化教育部重点实验室,兰州 730000
  • 刘南希
  • 中山大学大气科学学院,珠海 519082;广东省环珠江口气候环境与空气质量变化野外科学观测研究站,广州 510275
  • 王海潮
  • 中山大学大气科学学院,珠海 519082;广东省环珠江口气候环境与空气质量变化野外科学观测研究站,广州 510275
  • 卢骁
  • 中山大学大气科学学院,珠海 519082;广东省环珠江口气候环境与空气质量变化野外科学观测研究站,广州 510275
  • 范绍佳
  • 中山大学大气科学学院,珠海 519082;广东省环珠江口气候环境与空气质量变化野外科学观测研究站,广州 510275
  • 摘要:近年来,我国粤港澳大湾区臭氧污染问题日益突出,夜间臭氧浓度呈增长趋势.目前,大部分研究主要关注于白天臭氧的生成过程,而对夜间臭氧浓度不降反升现象的认识明显不足.本研究利用2014—2019年粤港澳大湾区中心城市广州的污染物观测数据,统计了夜间臭氧出现增加(NOE: nocturnal ozone enhancement, 定义为夜间20:00—6:00臭氧相邻时刻增加量大于5×10-9 (Part per billion,下同))的频率、出现时间、峰值浓度,结合ERA5再分析数据和常规气象观测数据分析了NOE事件的潜在成因及垂直和水平输送的相对贡献大小.结果表明,广州暖季(4—11月)夜间出现NOE事件的年平均天数为(59±11) d,主要发生于23:00—3:00.NOE事件造成的夜间峰值浓度可达到(33±10) ×10-9,明显高于不出现夜间臭氧增加(NNOE: non-enhanced nocturnal ozone, 定义为夜间20:00—6:00臭氧相邻时刻增加量均小于1×10-9)时的浓度((16±12) ×10-9).相比于NNOE事件,出现NOE事件对应的当日最大8 h浓度、次日最大8 h浓度、夜间平均Ox (Ox=O3+NO2)浓度、夜间PM2.5浓度以及夜间平均水平风速明显偏高.加强的垂直混合和高浓度臭氧的区域输送是广州形成NOE事件的主要成因,9月和10月臭氧的水平输送对NOE事件形成的贡献更显著,而其他月份垂直输送的贡献相对更大.未来需要结合模式进一步诊断NOE事件的成因和量化不同气象过程的相对贡献大小,以便更好的认识臭氧的日变化规律和为区域臭氧污染防治提供科学依据.
  • Abstract:In recent years, the ozone pollution has become the main air quality issues in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA), and nighttime ozone concentration has also shown an increasing trend. At present, most of the studies mainly focus on the formation of ozone in the daytime, while the understanding of nighttime ozone enhancement rather than expected decrease is limited. In this study, observations of air pollutants from 2014—2019 in Guangzhou, the central city in the GBA, were used to calculate the frequency, occurrence time and peak concentration of the nocturnal ozone enhancement events (NOE), defined as ozone concentration enhance by more than 5×10-9?O3/?t>5 ×10-9·h-1) in one of any two adjacent hours in the nighttime 20:00—6:00. Further, the potential causes were analyzed based on the ERA5 data and meteorological observation data. The results show that the 6-year average days of the NOE events (April-November) is 59±11, which mainly occur at 23:00—3:00 during the warm season. The nighttime peak concentration accompanied with NOE events could reach (33±10)×10-9, which was significantly higher than that of the non-enhanced nocturnal ozone events (NNOE, (16±12)×10-9). Compared with the NNOE events, the ozone daily 8 h average maximum (MDA8_O3), the MDA8_O3 of the next day, the average nighttime Ox (Ox=O3+NO2) concentration, the average nighttime PM2.5 concentration and the average nighttime horizontal wind speed in the NOE events are significantly higher. Enhanced vertical mixing and regional transport of ozone-rich air are the main causes of the NOE events. The horizontal transport of ozone-rich air in September and October contributed more significantly to the formation of NOE events, while vertical transport contributes more in other months. It is necessary to further diagnose the causes of NOE events and quantify the relative contributions of different meteorological processes using the numerical model in the future, so as to better understand the diurnal variation of ozone and provide scientific basis for the prevention and control of regional ozone pollution.

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