
  • 李成,李毅洲,杨昆仑,万磊,吴霜,徐新华.纳米零价铁硫化改性对印染废水中锑的强化去除机制研究[J].环境科学学报,2023,43(2):51-60

  • 纳米零价铁硫化改性对印染废水中锑的强化去除机制研究
  • Analysis of enhanced Sb(V) removal by sulfide modified nanoscale zero-valent iron in textile-wastewater environment
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.21976153)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 李成
  • 浙江大学环境与资源学院环境工程系,杭州310058
  • 李毅洲
  • 浙江大学环境与资源学院环境工程系,杭州310058
  • 杨昆仑
  • 浙江大学环境与资源学院环境工程系,杭州310058
  • 万磊
  • 浙江大学环境与资源学院环境工程系,杭州310058
  • 吴霜
  • 浙江大学环境与资源学院环境工程系,杭州310058
  • 徐新华
  • 浙江大学环境与资源学院环境工程系,杭州310058;浙江大学国家级环境与资源实验教学示范中心,杭州 310058
  • 摘要:针对目前印染废水中特征污染物锑难以达标的问题,采用纳米零价铁(nZVI)并对其进行硫化改性(S-nZVI),研究了nZVI在硫化改性前后的除锑性能变化及吸附机理.表征分析显示,硫化改性后形成的FeSx会使材料形成不规则的、具有复杂形态的FeSx及FeOx表面,增大了材料的比表面积;其次,FeSx可以提高电子的转移效率,促进氧化还原反应的发生,使得少部分Sb(V)被还原为更容易沉淀的Sb(OH)3或FeSbO3; 同时由于硫元素的存在,形成的无定型态铁氧化物更为稳定,不易向结晶态转变,而无定型态铁氧化物对Sb(V)的吸附效果要远高于结晶态铁氧化物;此外,锑也可以与硫元素结合形成稳定的锑硫化合物而从废水中去除.实验结果表明,投加量为60 mg?L-1的S-nZVI能够使初始浓度为200 μg?L-1 Sb(V)的模拟印染废水和实际印染废水中总锑浓度处理至排放标准(<50 μg?L-1),体现出S-nZVI在印染废水除锑中具有较好的 应用潜力.
  • Abstract:Nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) with relatively high affinity toward antimony (Sb) was further modified with sulfur, which was applied to increase the removal efficiency of Sb from the textile wastewater. The performance and mechanim of nZVI and sulfidized nZVI (S-nZVI) for Sb removal were studied. Multiple characterizations indicate that sulfidation could cause a irregular and complex morphology of FeSx and FeOx surface, increasing the specific surface area of the materials. Meanwhile, FeSx could improve the electron transfer and promote the redox reactions, resulting in a partial reduction of Sb(V) to Sb(OH)3, which was more easily to be precipitated. Stable amorphous iron oxides with high adsorption capacity of Sb were formed in the presence of sulfur, which would not easily transform to crystalline iron oxides with relatively lower adsorption capacity. In addition, Sb could also be removed from the wastewater via the combinationd with sulfur to form a stable Sb-S compound. A dosage of 60 mg?L-1 S-nZVI could make both the simulated and actual Sb wastewaters (200 μg?L-1) reach the Sb discharge standard (50 μg?L-1), indicating the application potential of S-nZVI for the removal of antimony from textile wastewater.

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