• 基于红外掩日通量监测的石化企业非甲烷烷烃排放通量特征研究
  • Emission Flux Characteristics of non-methane alkanes from a petrochemical enterprise based on Solar Occultation Flux
  • 基金项目:国家重点研发计划(No. 2022YFC3703500);浙江省重点研发计划(NO.2021C03165,2022C03084);
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 杨允烨
  • 浙江大学环境与资源学院
  • 裴祥宇
  • 浙江大学环境与资源学院
  • 徐正宁
  • 浙江大学环境与资源学院
  • 杨珺越
  • 浙江大学环境与资源学院
  • 王志彬
  • 浙江大学环境与资源学院
  • 摘要:我国石化行业VOCs排放量大且以无组织形式为主,常规仪器方法难以有效监测其排放通量,因此主要采用基于排放清单的核算方法估算VOCs排放量.但目前VOCs排放系数不确定性高,亟需监测数据验证.本研究采用红外掩日通量(SOF)系统监测了长三角地区某石化企业的非甲烷烷烃柱浓度分布,监测结果显示该石化企业主要排放的非甲烷烷烃为丙烷、正丁烷、异戊烷、正辛烷,非甲烷烷烃日平均柱浓度为25.81±6.09 mg/m2,排放通量范围为12.03~37.96 kg/h.根据该企业2023年排放数据估算出该石化企业VOCs排放系数为0.65 g/kg,仅为我国排放系数的40.53%,表明我国现有的VOCs排放清单可能会高估石化企业的实际排放量.SOF是欧盟场地VOCs无组织排放总体监测最佳实用技术之一,今后可建立以SOF实测数据为基础、高时空分辨率的本地化VOCs排放清单,对石化行业VOCs无组织排放进行准确核算,实现对石化企业减污降碳效果的准确评估.
  • Abstract:The petrochemical industries contribute a large amount of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emission in China. It is challenging to effectively monitor the emission flux of these fugitive emissions with traditional methods, instead, emission inventory method is widely adopted to estimate the VOCs emissions. However, the uncertainties of VOCs emission factors in current inventories are still high, leading to requirement of verification from measurement data. In this study, the Solar Occultation Flux (SOF) system was employed to monitor the column concentrations of non-methane alkanes emitted from a typical petrochemical enterprise in the Yangtze River Delta region. The results indicate that propane, n-butane, isopentane, and n-octane are the major contributors to the total non-methane alkanes emission. The daily average column concentration is 25.81±6.09 mg/m2and the emission fluxes range from 12.03 to 37.96 kg/h. The VOCs emission factor of this petrochemical enterprise is 0.65 g/kg, estimated from emission data in 2023, which is only 40.53% of the emission factor in the Chinese Emission Inventory, indicating that the current VOCs emission inventory in China may overestimate the actual emission from petrochemical enterprises. The SOF system is a Best Available Technique (BAT) to monitor fugitive VOCs emissions in European Union. In the future, the localized VOCs emission inventories with high time resolution and spatial resolution could be established based on SOF measuring data, enabling accurate accounting of fugitive VOCs emissions from petrochemical industries and facilitating precise evaluation of pollution and carbon reduction effects of petrochemical enterprises.

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