• SCICHEM局地尺度O3与PM2.5溯源研究:以北京市大兴区为例
  • Localized source tracing of O3 and PM2.5 using SCICHEM model: A case study of Daxing District, Beijing
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.72174125);中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目(No.buctrc202133)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 王昭桐
  • 北京化工大学
  • 徐鑫
  • 北京化工大学
  • 王刚
  • 三捷环境工程咨询(杭州)有限公司
  • 伯鑫
  • 北京化工大学
  • 张英磊
  • 北京化工大学
  • 摘要:本研究基于中国高分辨率碳与大气污染物排放数据库(CHRED3.0A),进一步分配了2023年北京市大兴区的排放清单,分辨率为2 km,并将其细分至318个网格.采用SCICHEM模型模拟大兴区各网格及网格内的交通源、工业源、农业源、生活源对区域内空气质量监测站点的影响,并开展O3及PM2.5溯源研究.结果表明,受人口分布及路网分布影响,交通源与生活源对O3浓度贡献主要集中在大兴区北部及西北部,对PM2.5浓度贡献主要集中在大兴区西部.而工业源对O3和PM2.5贡献为大兴区中部及北部地区,对O3和PM2.5贡献最大的19#、294#网格,均受工业源影响明显.整体来看,1月份大兴区PM2.5与7月份O3浓度在大兴区本地源各部门中显著受生活源和交通源影响.交通源与生活源在1月份与7月份平均贡献占比分别为51.05%和31.74%.相比之下,工业源和农业源对PM2.5及O3浓度的贡献处于较低水平. 研究结果表明,在大兴区本地源污染治理中应重点关注生活源和交通源的排放控制.本研究为局地尺度下SCICHEM模型在PM2.5与O3快速溯源中提供了重要案例支持.
  • Abstract:Based on the China High Resolution Emission Gridded Data (CHRED3.0A), this study further assigned the emission inventory of Daxing District (Beijing) in 2023 with 2 km resolution and subdivided it into 318 grids. The SCICHEM model was used to simulate the influence of sources of traffic, industrial, agricultural, and domestic emissions on air quality within each grid in Daxing District, and to conduct O3 and PM2.5 traceability studies. Owing to the population distribution and road network pattern, results indicated that the contribution of traffic and domestic sources to O3 and PM2.5 concentration were concentrated mostly in the north and northwest of Daxing District, whereas the contribution of industrial sources to O3 (PM2.5) is in the central and northern (western) areas of Daxing District. The 19# and 294# grids, which contributed most to O3 and PM2.5, were affected substantially by industrial sources. Overall, the concentrations of PM2.5 in January and O3 in July in Daxing District were affected strongly by domestic sources and traffic sources in all local source departments. The average contributions of traffic and domestic sources in January and July were 51.05% and 31.74%, respectively. In contrast, the contributions of industrial and agricultural sources to PM2.5 and O3 concentrations were comparatively low. The findings suggest that control of domestic and traffic emissions should receive greater attention in terms of local pollution control in Daxing District. The case study provides robust support for the use of SCICHEM model in rapid traceability of PM2.5 and O3 at the local scale.

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