• 厌氧污泥停留时间对侧流强化生物除磷工艺的影响及机理研究
  • Study on the Effect of Anaerobic Sludge Retention Time on Side-stream Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal Process and the related Mechanisms
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目;陕西省秦创原“科学家+工程师”队伍建设项目;陕西省留学人员科技活动择优资助项目
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 秦璐
  • 陕西科技大学
  • 王东琦
  • 西安理工大学
  • 李凯龙
  • 西安理工大学
  • 摘要:污水处理厂进水碳源不足是影响生物除磷性能的重要瓶颈。利用污泥厌氧水解发酵产生额外“内碳源”的侧流强化生物除磷(S2EBPR)工艺在低碳磷比(C/P)进水条件下具有高效稳定的除磷性能。然而,有关关键控制参数对S2EBPR工艺影响和机理的研究尚存在不足。基于此,本研究构建典型S2EBPR系统,探究了侧流污泥停留时间(SRTSS)对反应器性能及微生物的影响及潜在机理。结果表明,SRTSS变化对S2EBPR系统COD去除和脱氮性能的影响较小,对除磷性能的影响较大。SRTSS=72–144 h时除磷性能良好且稳定,平均去除率超过90.1%。不同SRTSS条件下S2EBPR系统均可富集Tetrasphaera、Dechloromonas等发酵及脱氮除磷相关功能菌,有利于保证出水的稳定性。模拟侧流厌氧发酵实验结果表明,在30℃下,厌氧发酵60 h左右可积累一定量不同组分类型VFAs,并最大化PAOs胞内PHA含量,维持其EBPR活性,同时使PAO与GAO丰度比达到最高。
  • Abstract:The insufficient influent carbon source in wastewater treatment plants is an important bottleneck affecting the performance of biological phosphorus (P) removal. The side-stream enhanced biological P removal (S2EBPR) process, which generates additional "internal carbon sources" through anaerobic sludge hydrolysis and fermentation, exhibits efficient and stable P removal performance under low carbon to phosphorus ratio (C/P) influent conditions. However, there is still insufficient research on the impact and mechanism of key control parameters on the S2EBPR process. Based on this, this study constructed a typical S2EBPR system and investigated the impact of side-stream sludge retention time (SRTSS) on the reactor performance and microorganisms and the potential mechanism. The results indicate that changes in SRTSS have a small impact on the COD and nitrogen removal performance of the S2EBPR system, but a significant impact on the P removal performance. When SRTSS=72–144 h, the S2EBPR system shows a good and stable P removal performance, with an average removal efficiency exceeding 90.1%. Under different SRTSS conditions, the S2EBPR system can enrich fermentation and denitrification related functional bacteria such as Tetrasphaera and Dechromonas, which is conducive to ensuring the stability of the effluent. The simulated side-stream anaerobic fermentation experiment results show that at 30 ℃, the anaerobic fermentation time of about 60 h can accumulate a certain amount of different component types of VFAs, maximize the intracellular PHA content of PAOs, maintain their EBPR activity, and achieve the highest PAO to GAO abundance ratio.

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